February 10, 2025

Duo Fertility Monitor Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant for a few couples is pretty fast and trouble-free. For many partners trying, getting pregnant without any need for Fertility treatment is simple but it requires more hard work to others. Here are tested tricks to get pregnant soon:

Use a Ovulation Kit. Knowing at what time you are ovulating is best handled by the use of a duo fertility monitor and other devices that will help you determine ovulation. Ovulation is the method of moving useful eggs for reproduction. This is demonstrated on a very warm and moist cervical fluid. The a duo fertility will support and establish excellent fertility status. The fertility monitor, including Clear Blue Monitors, will require no speculation anymore because it will provide accurate and clear readings on the best time as to when to get pregnant.

Have more sex: Having sex three or more times a week can help you to get pregnant quicker. The duo fertility monitor will frequently time the whole process to ideally come up with ovulation. That said, women may not always ovulate when they think that they should have. Having sex three times a week is advisable to enable women to wrap up, as you might say, and will not miss the opportune time to obtain pregnancy.

Sex before ovulation and not after ovulation. According to Reproductive Educators, Fertility stage is at its best before ovulation period. Most couples do not know this, they often confused themselves on the most excellent time to get pregnant. They often baffle on the most superb timing to get pregnant. Accordingly, the female egg will survive for 24 hours after ovulation while the sperm will thrive up to 120 hours. This is the proven ground of having sex two to three days before ovulation because it will boost the chances of getting pregnant. The male’s sperm will stay longer than the female egg.

Do not rely on Calendar Method for ovulation. Using calendar method surpasses guessing and picking days to have sex. The calendar method shows having sex within the 14 days of a woman’s 28-days cycle. The calendar method recommends having sex within the 14 days of a woman’s cycle. The calendar method is not so accurate or perfect.

Smoking, drinking and use of Illegal drugs undoubtedly are a NO, NO. Cigarettes, drugs and alcoholic beverages affect fertility. To a degree, it may be a factor of infertility and other sickness, too. Staying as healthy, as ever, is a remedy to get pregnant.


Seek Help From A Physician. The assistance of a doctor, say the obstetrician and gynaecologist, will help you get pregnant easily. The episodes of any diseases that caused hopelessness to get pregnant like STDs, urinary tract infections, or poor health will be perceived and attended to. It is great to take prenatal vitamins also to raise your chances to pregnancy.

Using the tips mentioned above to help you on your journey to get pregnant soon will finally end your battle with getting pregnant.