February 10, 2025

How To Boost Fertility? Having Superb Tips

Infertility is identified by the inability to have a baby within 1 year of unprotected sex for husband and wives of ages 35 yrs. old and below, and also the inability to have a baby within 6 mths for ages 35 years and above.

Based on this definition, around 15% of the 35 years old and below cannot conceive for the first 12 months, but their number decreases to 4% after 24 months, ultimately, their number further decreases to 1.9% after 36 months.

So what does that mean to you? It simply means…Infertility does not mean impossibility!

Aside from age, there are lots of other factors associated with infertility like previous indulgence to contraception, poor nutrition, etc.

Although these factors vary from country to country, historical records of population growth and sizes provide scientists enough information to establish a general trend of fertility and infertility.

Here are some of the best tips on how to increase fertility:

1. Exercise Regularly

It is very important that you exercise regularly. Not only does exercise improve the way you look, it also burns away those unwanted fats and toxins inside your body. One good exercise is walking – remember the saying, “walking is the best exercise”?

2. Vitamins & Minerals For Fertility

Zinc is one of the most essential minerals needed by the body to maintain a good level of fertility. It is so important that it is considered to be the key that unlocks the door of fertility.

Vitamins are also essential to make sure that your body fights back when infectious diseases strike. Make sure that you supply yourself with ample amounts of these substances. You may opt to buy food supplements from your local wellness and pharmaceutical stores.

3. Water

Water is inevitable to your reproductive health as it is one of the major components necessary to transport hormones, create cervical mucus and sperm, and create follicles.

The recommended amount of water intake is 2 litres per day. Purified water is more preferred than tap water, because the latter could contain hazardous substances.

4. Natural Herbs That Boosts Your Fertility

Herbs are less toxic and dangerous than synthetic drugs.

False Unicorn

This herb is used to balance the amounts of hormones in the body. It is a holistic herb in a sense that it affects all of the body’s hormone production. TCM practitioners use this herb to treat ovarian cysts, PCOS, endometriosis, and ovarian pains.

Dong Quai

Dong quai is quite popular for its ability to reduce pain connected menstruation. It can also regulate your menstrual period. You can also use this herb to treat endometriosis, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and vaginal dryness. You can also use it as antispasmodic.


Like false unicorn, this herb is also used in the holistic regulation of hormones. You may opt to use this herb to stimulate ovulation, cure short cycles, and increase progesterone production.

Wild yam

This herb helps reduce the pain associated with menstruation. It inhibits inflammation and is a proven anti-spasmodic. You may use this herb to reduce spasms and cramps.