February 10, 2025

Popular Contraceptive Pills For Unplanned Pregnancy

Contraception has become a very important part of a woman’s sex life. Today, women use daily contraception for preventing unplanned pregnancies. Until recently, condoms were the only methods used for preventing unplanned pregnancy. However, there was always a risk of contraceptive accidents such as condom slips or tears occurring which could result in pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptive methods such as oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive patches and contraceptive rings have proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing women from getting pregnant. Of these three hormonal contraceptive methods, oral contraceptive methods have proven to be the most popular amongst women. These oral pills consist of synthetic female hormones.

Contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills can either be combination pills or mini-pills. A combined pill consists of two synthetic female hormones with the help of which it prevents an unplanned pregnancy. The two synthetic female hormones present in combined pills are oestrogen and progestogen. As these pills consist of two female hormones, they can protect women against pregnancy in three different ways. A mini-pill on the other hand consists of a single synthetic female hormone, progestogen. A mini-pill, as a result, is often referred to as progestogen-only pill’. Mini-pills can protect women against unplanned pregnancy in two different ways.

Popular combined pills


The most popular and commonly used combined pill amongst women is Yasmin. This pill consists of ethinylestradiol, synthetic oestrogen, and drospirenone, synthetic progestogen, as its active ingredients. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy in women. Yasmin can protect you against pregnancy in three different ways. Firstly, it tricks your body into believing that ovulation has already occurred, so as to prevent the production of an egg. Secondly, the pill thickens the cervical mucus in your womb to prevent a sperm from entering and fertilising an egg. And lastly, Yasmin pill alters the womb lining so as to prevent an egg from growing further.


Another popular combined pill used by women across the globe is Microgynon. This pill consists of ethinylestradiol, synthetic oestrogen, and levonorgestrel, synthetic progestogen, as its active ingredients. This pill has been proven to be almost 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. You are required to take this pill for up to 21 days of the 28 day menstrual cycle. You are then to take a break of seven days before starting a new pack, during which you are likely to have a withdrawal bleed. This pill has been proven to be helpful in treating endometriosis. It also helps you in dealing with premenstrual tension and painful or heavy periods.


Dianette pill is also a popular and effective combined pill used by women for preventing unplanned pregnancy. It consists of ethinylestradiol, synthetic oestrogen, and cyproterone acetate, synthetic progestogen as its active ingredient. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. You are required to take this pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle. You are to take a break of seven days before starting another pack. You are likely to experience withdrawal bleeding during the period of these seven days.