February 10, 2025

Quit Smoking Using Nicoban

New philosophy on quitting with smoking and everything you always wanted to know about natural smoking cessation: Stop the press and meet the all natural smocepop !!
Smoking is an old, new and bad habit. Almost everybody is convinced about that. Smoking impairs long function and causes emphysema in almost every smoker and is strongly associated with a variety of cancers. Smoking has effect on the capillary blood supply and impairs skin elasticity and is associated with a variety of other disease. Should I stop, or do you need more? Let’s stop here as we all know that much. But let us concentrate on something else, another powerful argument for cessation. Why do people smoke? They start smoking because it is the social requirement of that age group or social environment. It’s cool. You can hide your uncertainty behind a faade of smoking prowess. Lack of communication skills in too noisy environments is in many situations the reason for experimenting with a new habit and become a new persona. And suddenly you can’t stop. Suppose we accept all that. How would that influence the way to stop smoking? Stopping with smoking is hard. Even if you have decided to quit smoking the opportunities to re-start smoking are huge, frequent and strong. Don’t forget that nicotine is one of the stronger addictive substances that mankind is in contact with !! But you have to get rid of it you want to quit. Quit smoking needs more than a promise. In the majority of cases stopping with smoking actually is a promise to someone else rather than to yourself, like work, family, parents, school, friends, colleagues, doctors, dentists, health counsel. That is where part of the problem lies. It is only YOU who can decide, properly motivated, to quit smoking. To stop smoking can only be a promise to YOU. YOU have to quit. Smoking cessation is a process; it needs to slowly grow and mature in individuals. Once you have decided to quit smoking, you first need to really convince yourself. Do you really want to stop smoking, are you ready to quit? You need to read about the dangers of smoking and you need to check out all the different natural smoking cessation aids and other sources that can help you in the process of stopping with smoking. Talk to your friends, people that are influential to you: smokers, non-smokers and quitters. Test your sincerity to quit smoking. Do you really want to stop smoking, or is it (again) a demand of your social environment? Does someone else want you to quit ..? They might say: ‘you should stop smoking’, or ‘I want you to stop smoking’ or worse, ‘it’s better for you to quit smoking’ and more of such well meant argumentation but, not yours. Smoking cessation is a journey that requires huge conviction, motivation and deliberation. If there is still doubt it might be preferable to hang in there, don’t quit now and keep on gathering relevant information on smoking cessation, stop smoking aids, natural medicinal products that assist in quit smoking, natural smoking cessation aids or specialised naturopaths that advice on smoking cessation. If you would break down the dangerous ingredients in tobacco smoking, a quick and dirty analysis tells you ‘tar’ (carbon monoxide, cyanide, arsenic, mercury…) and nicotine. Yet, there is more. What about addiction? How do you quit addiction? Who or what tackles the overwhelming withdrawal effects if you want to quit? Who or what is going to substitute the initial reason for smoking? These are important questions that require attention to increase the success rate of attempts to stop or quit smoking.

Here is a remedy, your natural support in the journey to quit smoking, the ultimate natural smoking cessation aid. If you have decided to stop smoking you use the natural Smoking Cessation Project Planner: SMOCEPOP. The natural Smoking Cessation Project Planner will supply you with the right steps, mile stones and thresholds to optimise the success rate in stopping with smoking. As all good ideas, the natural Smoking Cessation Project Planner is simple. That is a must since quit smoking is already hard enough.
The outline of the natural Smoking Cessation Project Planner (smocepop). Step 1. Write a convincing essay why you started smoking, what it meant for you, why you started to doubt the bad habit, why you would stop and what motivates you to quit and return to a natural way of life. You can voluntary send the essay on starting and quitting to a designated mailbox and participate in the monthly draw of the most eloquent essay. The monthly winner will be published. Check the website for rewards. It will stimulate others to quit. Step 2. Read at least two titles of the listed on smoking and quitting. Just tick the boxes once the reading is completed as motivation and honesty checks are not necessary since you completed Step 1 and are thus motivated to stop smoking. Step 3. Define the attitude change that will allow you to change the dependency to the smoking habit. You do this by writing down the specific character aspect(s) that made you pick up smoking in the first place and define the exact character feature that you want to change to enhance the success to stop smoking. List all the specific habits that form a link with your craving for a smoke like drinking, on the phone, thinking or anything. Chose 5 of these to deny yourself the habitual smoke. Step 4. On the rating scale you are encouraged to define the dependency rate to nicotine. Just go through the questions, the final result will be presented to you. There is one BUT.. Dependency is always a balance with the strength of your will to get somewhere. Upon the advice provided you will have to determine whether you need nicotine substitution therapy or not. Can you quit abrupt or do you need to stop through a phase out. Eventually you will have to quit completely. Step 5. You will be stimulated to make a choice from the listed natural aids in stopping with smoking. There are many natural products. Check active ingredients for their natural origin. Step 6. You need to fill in the planner section that will help you monitoring cessation details, the craving, the violations, the difficulties and the growing experiences of positive changes in the process of quitting. Step 7. You will be stimulated to write an evaluation of the journey towards a new life without smoking. You just finalised the quit smoking program and you are in the best possible position to evaluate and review the quality and effect of the assistance you got from natural smoking cessation aids in what ever form. Again we would like to invite you to share this evaluation with your colleagues who are desperate to read real observations. Those who did not (YET) succeed in quit smoking and those that successfully stopped smoking. There are no rewards here !! The greatest reward is your new natural life !!

Let me give an outline of the most likely way to successfully stop smoking in a natural way. This analysis is based on the many attempts to quit smoking undertaken and the large variety of quit smoking aids available. But most importantly it is based on a proper understanding of the social environment and attitudes that surround starting with smoking and stopping with smoking.

Partly, as you would expect, the line of SMOCEPOP will be followed. After proper motivation of your decision to stop smoking, you have to define the level of dependency of nicotine and the need to substitute nicotine whilst decreasing the amount of daily cigarettes, towards a full stop. Based on such review you decide whether you need a nicotine containing product assisting you in the journey of smoking cessation. Then select a natural product like NICOBAN CQ, the smoking cessation aid, a wholly natural product NOT containing nicotine, to assist you in fighting the nasty symptoms of nicotine and tobacco withdrawal such as stress, anxiety, irritability, emotional agitation and insomnia that you might experience while stopping. But there is more. The natural aid NICOBAN CQ contains natural Peppermint Oil known for having antioxidant activity and can therefore assist in protecting the body from harmful effects of free radicals, such as those produced from cigarette smoke. And NICOBAN CQ contains natural Eucalyptus Oil that has expectorant activity and can therefore assist in relief of catarrh in the upper respiratory tact. In short a complete natural aid in the process of smoking cessation and your journey, the hard and long, but natural journey called quit smoking. The natural beauty of smoking cessation aid NICOBAN CQ is its 100% natural composition and that it can very well be your, one and only, natural right hand in achieving your objectives to stop smoking as well as it can be used in combination to increase the efficacy of nicotine supplying products applied for smoking cessation.

We all should thank the Australian designers and developers of NICOBAN CQ, the natural smoking cessation aid !! They have managed to bring a wholly Australian and natural product to the market for substantially lower prices than any of her few, hardly natural, competitors. That enables the Australian individuals out there, motivated to stop smoking in a natural way, to engage in a difficult and long journey to quit smoking knowing they get the full support of a capable and 100% natural smoking cessation aid, both alone as well as in combination with other smoking cessation aids.

Good luck with your journey of smoking cessation ! Congratulations with your new natural life !! There is a different world out there waiting for you !!!