January 25, 2025

Smoking Cessation A Personal Experience

Whatever your reason for wanting to give up smoking, it is a good reason. My reason was that my cousin contracted lung cancer from smoking and died at the age of 40. When it happens to someone close to you, you realise that it is real, these things do happen and the suffering is unbearable to watch.

I had been smoking for 15 years previously. After my cousin died, I didn’t quit smoking immediately, but I had decided that I was going to work towards giving up. First of all I started smoking roll ups using rolling tobacco. They were vile and I thought this would put me off smoking, I would smoke less and eventually give up. It was working and I was cutting down but the thing that finally made me give up was a sickness bug!

I was bedridden for two days and I could not eat a thing, and the thought of lighting up a dirty smelly roll up made me feel physically sick. When I was feeling a bit better I decided that was it, this was my best chance, I had a 2 day head start and I was going to give up now. It was very difficult, especially as the people around me were still smoking, and although smoking is deemed unsociable, smoking can be a very sociable thing to do with other smokers.

After not having a cigarette for a couple of days I was determined that I wouldn’t have another one as I knew as soon as I did, I would be back to square one and the first few days are the hardest.

The first weeks were hell! I won’t lie. My poor son who was only six at the time was the one who encountered most of my wrath! It was uncontrollable, the tiniest thing would make me overreact and fly off the handle. I had to explain to him at the time that Mommy was giving up smoking and I may be a bit grumpy for a while. He still talks about it to this day! Apart from the foul temper, I also gained a little weight as I would suck candies to keep my mouth occupied!

It gets easier, but I still had cravings months after, but they were controllable as they pass after about ten minutes.

I have not smoked for over 3 years now. At the occasional party I have sampled a cigarette when all around me were smoking, but they are vulgar and it confirms to me that I won’t smoke again. The weight I gained came off after a while, which I must admit to my vanity was my main worry!

You don’t realise until you have given up smoking how much people that smoke smell! Not just them but their clothes and their homes, it’s disgusting and quite embarrassing to think that I smelt like that too!