February 10, 2025

Struggling To Get Pregnant? Learn How To Assess Your Own Fertility.

Women’s bodies and are all different and some women are more fertile than others. Some women can become pregnant very easily. Others may try for months or even years without getting pregnant. If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, it may be helpful to look at the list below and assess your fertility levels.

It is not possible to know for certain what your level of fertility is, indeed your fertility will change over time. However, there are some indicators that can help you to assess your own fertility, and therefore the likelihood of getting pregnant quickly.

1. Do you have regular periods?

Regular periods, with a cycle between 25 and 35 days, indicate that a woman is ovulating. This is the first sign of fertility. Irregular or absent periods on the other hand, can suggest a problem with ovulating, which may be due to a number of things. It could mean that a woman is entering the first stage of menopause, or that she has a hormone imbalance, or that she has polycystic ovary syndrome. These can all adversely affect your chances of getting pregnant. If your periods are very heavy it may be an indication of fibroids which are benign tumours near the womb which can also affect fertility.

2. Are you over or underweight?

Women who are very over or underweight are more likely to experience fertility problems. Obese women may experience difficulties ovulating and women who are very underweight or have a history of eating disorders may stop ovulating altogether.

3.Do you smoke, drink or take recreational drugs?

All of these things can have a negative impact on your fertility. You do not have to stop the drinking alcohol all together in order to get pregnant, although some fertility experts recommend it, but binge drinking is certainly likely to reduce your fertility. Smoking, drinking, or taking recreational drugs can harm an unborn baby and increase the chances of a pregnant woman miscarrying.

4. Is your lifestyle healthy?

Moderate exercise will keep your body healthy and in an the best possible shape to get pregnant. If you eat a healthy and balanced diet, your body will be well-nourished and therefore more likely to be fertile.

5. Do you have endometriosis?

While many women with endometriosis still do conceive without problems. However it is estimated that around a third of women with the condition may struggle to get pregnant. Symptoms of endometriosis include pain in their pelvic area and/or irregular periods, however some women have no symptoms at all and are unaware that they have the condition.

6. How old was your Mother when she had her menopause?

Women usually go through menopause between 45 and 54 years of age. The age at which a woman goes through the menopause is often considered to be genetic. Therefore if your mother had an early menopause it is more likely that you will too.

7. Have you had pelvic surgery?

Surgery in the pelvic area may cause infertility. This is because scarring can occur on the fallopian tubes which then become blocked. Pelvic surgery may include surgery to remove an appendix or ovarian cysts.