February 10, 2025

The Causes For Fertility Decrease In The Last Years

It has become evident that the fertility of both men and women is decreasing in an accelerating pace, over the last few years. An increasing number of couples report having trouble getting pregnant, and many of them turn to a fertility clinic, and consult with a fertility doctor about their problem.

There is wide verity of Infertility Risk Factors for Men and Women. Let’s cover a few of them:

Infertility causes For Men:

1.A man may suffer from infertility after having genital infection, or sexually transmitted diseases

2. Exposure to dangerous areas, such as areas with radiation or radioactivity. Also handling dangerous materials such as lead, ethylene dibromine, and vinyl chloride.

3. Smoking cigarettes or marijuana effects the fertility levels of men.

4. Heavy use of drugs and/or alcohol.

5. If genitals are exposed to high temperatures, than fertility may decrease temporarily or permanently.

6. DES taken by mother during pregnancy may cause giving birth to a sterile baby boy.

7. Taking prescription drugs for ulcers or psoriasis

8. Undergoing a hernia repair surgery

9. Having mumps after puberty

And as for infertility causes For Women – woman’s reproduction system is more complex, therefore, woman’s inability to ovulate, conceive, or deliver a child successfully, can come from the following reasons:

1. The age factor is a key player in woman’s fertility. Women in their late 30s are about 30 percent less fertile than women in their early 20s

2. Irregularities with the function of the endometriosis may decrease fertility.

3. All kinds of chronic diseases (lupus, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis or asthma)

4. Hormonal imbalance – can be treated with medication, in many cases.

5. Environmental factors – smoking cigarettes, alcohol drinking, exposure to workplace toxins or hazards.

6. excessive or very low body fat

7. DES taken by mother during pregnancy may effect fertility

8. Sexually transmitted diseases

9. Fallopian tube disease

10. Multiple miscarriages

It’s easy to observe that a few of the infertility factors have increased in the last few decades. For example, many couples get married in their 30s, thus having a statistically increased chance of infertility. Another factor is the increased environmental factors – today’s world is polluted and more toxic than ever, and it affects the fertility or man and woman alike.
In today’s hectic lifestyle, we are also much more stressed out than we were 40 years ago. This is another factor that effects fertility.

To conclude – the modern life style has it’s price when it comes to men and woman’s ability to conceive and bring a child to this world. This trend continues to grow, and some predict that in 100 years most men will be sterile. If we don’t do something to better our world fast, our grandchildren will pay the price.